High Pitch Eric
A fan with an unusually high pitched voice. Judges pageants and beauty contests on the show. Once went on a competing radio station in New York so Howard had to punish him by spanking him on the air. He's an extremely lonely person who does weird things like call local TV weathermen or hang out in the local police stations trying to make friends. Perhaps the most genuinely creepy guest on the show. He was once banned from the show after a foot race against 330 pound Crazy Cabbie, a DJ on Howard's station. His desperation for companionship also seems to bleed into his sexuality, which means he'll settle for anything. Crazy Cabbie talked about him having some sort of crush on K-Rock DJ Cane. He also admitted that he was ''a little turned on'' when Howard spanked him. Eric did one of the first shows on Howard 100 when he did his 24 hour 'Craptacular' where he ate and crapped to see how much food he would crap out.